



If you are a veteran or a relative of a veteran, or just a history buff, and you want to donate the material you have available at the Museum, do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address:

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We remind you that the activities and services offered by the Museum are carried out by collaborators and members of CRSBA on a voluntary basis. The study and research center promotes the benefits from the generosity of individual supporters and visitors. If you also want to support the activities of the Museum with a voluntary contribution, you can make a donation:

c / c 520422 Payable to: Ass C.R.D.S.B.A. Museum of the landing - Reason: VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION

IBAN: IT 32 O 05 104 38 890 CC0260520422


In this section we want to thank those institutions and individuals who have distinguished themselves in helping to support the activities of the museum: